Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's Not a Death Sentence

Mary Jane and I were talking the other day and she said something that I thought was very profound and I really feel like I need to share it with you. We were talking about a person we knew who was struggling with what God had asked them to do. (I'll be vague because I don't want to break this person's confidence because they told us their struggle in private.) This person felt that if they followed through with what God was asking of them, that life as they knew it would be over. It was going to be a big step of faith to make it happen but if it did happen this person's life and lifestyle 'would' radically change. In light of what they were contemplating it was a valid concern. But if God was asking them to do it they were willing. Well anyway, MJ and I were discussing it when we were alone and all of a sudden she said, "why is it that we feel that if God asks us to do something BIG that it's like getting a death sentence?" She then said, "because it's not." "It's actually like getting a LIFE sentence!" When she said it I just stopped and said, "wow." Because that's deep if you really think about it. No seriously... think about it. When has God ever asked anyone to do something that even though it initially looked like it would be tough, that it didn't turn out to be great? Can't think of anyone can you? Now I'm not saying that the person will never encounter difficulty or that the person will never want to give up... but what I'm saying is when has God ever asked someone to do something that the latter was worse than the former? No, it's ALWAYS the other way around. The end will always be better than the beginning. And the awesome part is that it will have Eternal significance attached to it. And that's what it's all about right?... Eternity. God will ALWAYS have us do things that have Eternal significance. He's a God that thinks about the end result of our assignments.
So what I want to ask you is this... "has God asked you to do something that you've said no to because it was something you thought would change your life too much?" Have you been ignoring what the Holy Spirit has been asking you to do because it would make your life too uncomfortable? Have you hardened your heart to something you know that you're suppose to be doing for the Kingdom of God right now because it would mess up the way your life is organized right now? If so, "It's not a death sentence!" God is trying to inject His Life into Your life. He's trying to show you joy that you'll never experience any other way. He's trying to get you positioned so that the things you're doing have Eternal significance and not just temporal significance. So give in to what you know is Him speaking. And experience a true "Life Sentence."
Love Ya, Jim