Friday, January 13, 2012

A Different kind of Blog

Hey Guys!
Well, I wasn’t going to write anything today and was just going to start posting again on Monday. But as I had gotten out of the shower (after pouring some concrete here at the camp today) and was getting dressed I really felt impressed by the Lord to write something. Now this is totally different than what you usually read on this blog (i.e. sarcasm with some kind of point at the end or just me ranting about something). Today is serious. You’ll know if I’m writing to you or not in a second. If I’m not writing (speaking) to you, then have a great weekend and we’ll talk to you on Monday. OK, here we go...
I was just minding my own business getting dressed. It’s 5:05pm here in Brazil (we’re 3 hrs ahead of everyone at home in the Eastern Time Zone). There’s nobody here at the house right now so it’s unusually quiet. And as I was just spending some time enjoying the silence, I felt the Lord impress on me to write to someone (I have no idea who you are either) and I feel like I needed to write this now. There’s someone reading this blog that’s actually just said (either out loud or in your mind) “that if there’s really a God, why doesn’t He do something to reach-out to help me?” Well, this is that! He loves you and He does care. He sees what you’re going through and He’s just waiting for you to come home.
This isn’t a fluke... I’ve never ever written a blog like this and I’ve been blogging since 08’ but I’m telling you God loves you and He does care! You even have a knowledge of God but you've never really had an intimate relationship with Him like He desires, but you can. If you look in a Bible in Luke 15:11-31 there a story about a guy who had left his father. He did his own thing, lived a pretty fast life, blew all his money (that was suppose to have been his inheritance), he was all alone... but then one day he decided to go home. And when he did, his father didn’t wait until he got all the way up the driveway and to the house... the Bible says that “while he was still a great distance away he (the father) saw him (the son) and ran to meet him!” That’s the same with you. God’s not gonna greet you with his arms crossed and make you jump through a bunch of hoops before he takes you back... He’s just waiting to see you coming up on the horizon so He can go and meet you! So you wanted a sign? Here’s your sign: )
I don’t know where you are in the world (this blog is actually read by thousands of people each month from over 20 different countries) but we have contacts from places all over the world and we’d love to try and connect you with a church or another believer to help encourage you. So if you’ll write me at we’d love to get you hooked-up with some other people who are following Jesus that could help you. God reached out, so watcha gonna do?

Love Ya,

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