Friday, May 21, 2010

Have You been Challenged Lately?

How are you doing spiritually? Has anyone asked you that question lately? What would be your answer? Seriously, how are you doing? I don't mean are you happier, healthier, or more prosperous today than any other time in your life either. You could be going through the most difficult time of your life and yet be doing better spiritually now than ever before.
So, how are you doing? Are you closer to God now than you were last week? How about last month? What about last year? You could be walking through a dry season in your spiritual walk right now and you feel alone and isolated from God. (NOTE- if you are walking in sin, that's different. Sin WILL separate and isolate you from God because He's Holy and can't fellowship with sin. So if that's the issue, repent and start doing what is right!)
So back to the question... how are you doing?
If you're in a dry season, have you run to Him during this time or are you just self-medicating yourself with other activities (i.e. TV, sports, shopping, work, etc.) to get you through?
Perhaps God's calling you deeper. Just maybe you're feeling dry because God is calling you out into the deeper water. Maybe He wants you to step out in faith and trust Him in this next season of your life.
You see, if what we're doing right now doesn't require faith (trusting and believing God) to get through... then we need to re-evaluate our lives. Hebrews 11:6 says, "without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please Him." If the way we are living doesn't require any faith, or if what we're doing can be accomplished whether God shows-up or not, then we need to change the way we're living. He wants us to trust Him and not something else. You know, stuff like our own abilities, money, our job... He wants us to trust Him.
So, if you can't put your finger on what the problem is in your spiritual walk, perhaps He's calling you out deeper?
I know that right now, for me and MJ, we're feeling that call in our lives. The call to go deeper. The call to make a radical step that will require faith for us and our family to make it. I don't know exactly what that is yet but I've got an idea. You may say, "but Jim, you guys are already walking in faith with adopting all those kids and having to trust God to supply your needs already." That's right, we are and we do... but we can never get too comfortable in our walk with Him. We've always got to be in a passionate pursuit of Him and His perfect will for our lives. Even if it seems crazy or it doesn't make sense to the natural mind. We've always got to be sensitive to what He's asking us to do. So, rather than just living safely and easily... we want to live radical, sold-out, we're gonna crash and burn if God doesn't show-up lives for Him. I don't ever want to get too comfortable.
So, one last time... what about you? How's your walk? Are you truly following Christ and His perfect will for your life? If not, why? I'm challenging you to trust Him and go deeper because "He's waiting."
Here's a new book that just came out that I'd highly recommend if you want to be challenged in your walk with Christ. It's called "Radical," by David Platt. I've also attached a short video promo for the book. It's really good but WARNING... if you don't want to be challenged... don't read the book!
Love Ya!