Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Camp Refúgio Update

Some of the boys that were at our last camp trying to complete
one of the team building obstacles named "Bridge Out.".

Well, we’ve finished a few more pieces to our obstacle course (a.k.a. Desafio de Selva-  The Jungle Challenge). Last Winter we finished the first 12 pieces of the course (You can see pics by clicking HERE) and this past Summer hundreds of kids went through the course (with no injuries, haha) and had a blast! So at the end of the Summer (April 2013’- remember, our seasons here are opposite of the seasons in the US) we decided to build a couple more obstacles. In April we finished the Jungle Pyramid, last week we completed the Giant Jungle Monkey Bars and this week we completed “The Rope Climb” obstacle.

The new "Giant Monkey Bars" with the "Jungle Pyramid" in
the background as the pond begins to fill-up after construction.
This is the way they work:
After the teams go through the main portion of the obstacle course and ride the zip-line to the other side of the pond known as “The Snake Pit” each team member must then make a decision... either swing underneath on the Monkey Bars (across the pond to the other side) and earn 3 points for their team or they can go across the top (to the other side) and earn 1 point. Either way, their suspended 10’ in the air above the frigid-green-murky water as they make their way to the other side... and believe me, you don’t want to fall in: ) 

Testing out the "Giant Monkey Bars" before the camp starts this weekend.

Then, after all the teams get to the other side of the pond, each team competes against the other by racing (one at a time) up to the top of the Jungle Pyramid, ringing the bell, then racing back down to tag the next person in line (on their team), who then races to the top to ring the bell. Then, after all the teams finish, points for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place are awarded. All the points from both of these events are added to their scores from the obstacle course. 
Two boys racing to the top of the "Jungle Pyramid" to ring the bell.

Matthew watching to make sure everyone rings the bell and that they are competing safely.

Another new addition to the camp is “The Rope Climb.” At this challenge, each team will race 100’ to the top of the giant hill adjacent to the pavilion using only a knotted rope. Each team is timed and 1st-4th place points are awarded. 

A view from the bottom as my kids tryout the new rope challenge.

The view from the top, looking down as Robert, Gabriel, Diogo and Anna begin their ascent.

So as you can see, God keeps allowing us to expand the things we can offer the kids here at the camp. We have a big camp this weekend and the first set of kids will get to compete on the “Giant Jungle Monkey Bars” and “The Rope Climb.” So we’ll post some pics after the camp.
Some of the boys that were here at our last camp 2 weeks ago.

As always, our main objective isn’t to just “show the kids a good time” or build this “cool camp out in the middle of the jungle”... no. Our main objective is and always will be to proclaim the Gospel and to tell kids about Jesus. So, as we build these things here at the camp, it’s all in an effort to attract more children and teenagers here so that they can be exposed to the Gospel. So please pray for us as we continue to make this our main endeavor. And if you’re one of our supporters who makes this all possible, “Thank you!”

Coming to Grips with the Fact that I’m Not Superman

Alright, from what I understand, Superman is pretty popular right now in the States. I’ve been able to see some stuff online but that’s it (no movie theater here in the jungle). So I guess I’ll have to wait a few months then try and smuggle the DVD in, here to Brazil, so I can see what all the hoopla is all about. 

Speaking of Superman, I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not as strong as I use to be. Not that I was ‘ever” superman or anything like that, but I use to be pretty strong back in the day.  I turned 48 years old on the 10th of this month. (I guess you could say. “age is my kryptonite,” haha.) But even though I don’t feel like I’m 48, it’s been at least a decade (or more) since I felt like I needed to be the guy who tried to keep up with all the younger guys. You know what I’m talking about, right? You’ve seen that guy before haven’t you? It’s the guy who, even though he was kinda athletic back in high school or even in his early twenties, feels the need to try and play intramural sports, lift weights at the gym, run and do ‘whatever’ at the same level as he did when he was younger. Now there are exception (i.e., Randy Couture in the UFC, George Foreman in boxing, Nolan Ryan in baseball- who all competed and dominated up into their 40’s) but those guys are few and far between. And they were (and are) professionals. Most guys aren’t. So to all you  guys who still feel the need to try and prove that ‘you still got it’... go ahead and give up the dream and except the fact that your getting older and give us all a break! lol!

I can remember a few years ago I was in the back yard with our oldest son, Michael. I think he was 17 at the time. He’s 23 now and has always been in great shape. We both love the UFC and he was even doing some training in MMA at the time and was actually pretty talented. He asked me to spar with him one day and I agreed. I outweighed him by at least 70 lbs and figured I could use my weight as an advantage. So I put on the headgear and gloves and away we went. The next thing I know, I’m getting punched in the face... repeatedly. And when I’d fire a punch back, there was nobody there. He was doing what they call “stick and move.” His hand speed was so fast to begin with that he’d hit me 2-3 times (in the face, which is awesome, not!) and then move to a different angle. And by the time I swung back all I was hitting was air. This went on for what seemed like an eternity (actually it was only about 2 minutes but when you’re getting your butt kicked it just seems like an eternity, haha). After I took my 100th shot to the head without being able to land a single punch back, I did what any big macho dad would do in that situation... I ripped the headgear and gloves off, threw them to the ground and marched back inside the house while I was yelling, “I quit!” 

It was so frustrating. I’m the Dad. I’m older, I’m bigger... so why?! Getting older stinks: (
Anyway, I haven’t tried to keep up with the kids when it comes to playing soccer, going on hikes here in the mountains (my general rule is “if it involves running or a lot of walking- count me out”). It seems like I tend to injure myself every time I try to do something athletic these days anyways. I remember one time last year I pulled a muscle in my stomach while playing softball with the family. First of all I didn’t even realize I had muscles in my stomach. Secondly, all I was doing was swinging the bat! 

But even though I’m older and my physical body is deteriorating I feel stronger than ever - spiritually, that is. And for that I’m thankful. And even though I can’t run fast any more(actually when I run now, it looks like I’m running in quicksand), even though I can’t throw as far as I use to and even though I can’t dunk a basketball anymore (actually now that I think of it, I never could do that... too white), I totally relate to Paul when he wrote in II Corinthians 4:16

“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.”

I get that and I feel encouraged. And as he (Paul) went on to write in chapter 5 about how we groan, longing, waiting for the day when our earthly bodies are gone and we have heavenly bodies to put on... man, I desire that. I’m not saying that I’m gonna die next week because my body is so broken down or anything like that, no. What I am saying is that “I’m one day closer to being with Jesus and it feels great.” Getting older is something that I welcome with open arms and I actually embrace it : )

What about you? How do you feel about getting older? Are you fighting it? Is it something that you dread or are you totally cool with getting older? Just curious: )

Love Ya, 