Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Well, I Actually Made it to the Half Century Mark

OK. I’m not writing this blog today because it’s my birthday (which it is). And I’m not writing it because I turned 50 years old today (which I did! Say what?!). No, I’m writing this blog today for two totally different reasons.

The first reason is because I think I’m finally coming to grips and realising that I’m actually getting older. 
Sure, subconsciously I’ve always known that I was ageing.  But as I would look around at other people in their 40’s I always felt like I was doing pretty good compared to the average 40something guy that I saw. Not that I ever felt like I was better- no. I just felt like I was more hip and cool than the other guys my age (even though using the terms 'hip and cool' shows how outdated I actually am! Do people even use those words anymore? lol!). It's not like I intentionally try to stay up with the latest fashion trends or anything like that either. I’ve never dressed like the typical 40+ year old white guy. I Just refuse to wear button down collared shirts, polo's and khakis. That’s just not me. (No offence if that’s what you wear either, for real.)

'Physically’ I've been able to tell I've been getting older since my 30’s. I can remember exactly when it happened too. I was playing volleyball in NC. I jumped up to spike the ball on the guy on the other side of the net from me and we both hit the ball (with equal force) at the same time and I jammed my right ring finger. It literally hurt for almost a year. An injury that would typically heal within a couple weeks was now taking forever. My body just wasn't the same anymore. So physically I’ve known what’s up for a while.

And I’ve noticed that, as I’ve gotten older, the things that get me excited have changed a bit too. Here’s an example: 
Just last week MJ came home from visiting our oldest son (Michael) and our daughter-in-law (Sarah) back in the States. When she got back here to Brazil she brought me some goodies and the thing I was the most excited about were my new bifocals!  That’s right I was actually excited about getting new bifocals! Now that’s a sure sign of getting old, right? And how pathetic is that, anyway?

But the main reason that I wanted to write this blog was this…
The main reason I’m writing this is that I’m extremely grateful to The Lord today. 

Now, please hear me out. I’m not trying to sound hyper-spiritual or trying to flaunt some type of false spirituality that you’ll sometimes see online. You know- it’s usually posted by the person who wants you to see that they “love God” but in the back of your mind you kinda wonder what the real intention behind the post was. You know what I’m talking about, right? It’s that post on Facebook/Instagram where someone posts a picture of their cup of coffee strategically placed next to their Bible as the sun is just beginning to rise in the background with the caption, “awesome time with The Lord this morning” or something to that effect. haha! Well, this isn’t that.

For some reason I’ve become very contemplative lately. Maybe it’s because I’m closer to death than I use to be or something- I don’t know? lol! But, for whatever reason, I’ve been reflecting back over my life and thinking about where I came from and it’s pretty sobering. 

To think about the way I use to live and how many times I was so close to death without Jesus… to think about all the horrible decisions I made and the ridiculously stupid things that I was involved in before I surrendered my life to Him- it’s a true miracle of God that I didn’t die without Him- lost forever. Seriously.

And to think about how sinful I was and how opposed to God I was… and to think that in spite of that He still pursued me, rescued me, redeemed me, made me His own- even though I wasn't interested in Him at all. It makes no sense. What do I have to offer a God who doesn't need me for anything? He doesn't need me to fulfil something in Him. I don’t in some way 'complete Him,’ No! But He, in His great mercy, spared me. He saved me.

This may all sound elementary because it’s something that we hear all the time. But when we really think about how great a salvation we actually have- it’s crazy! 

So, today, as I look back over the last 50 years of life on this planet I’m truly grateful for what He’s done for me. I’m truly grateful for what He’s done in me. I’m truly thankful to The Lord today.

Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! 
How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!
        “For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counsellor?  
        “Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid?”
        For from him and through him and to him are all things. 
        To him be glory forever. Amen.
                                     Romans 11:33-36

Passionately Pursuing Jesus,


Sunday, June 7, 2015

That Doesn't Make Me Less of a Man, Does It?

OK. today’s blog will be different than any blog I’ve ever done over the last 7+years of blogging (here at RealDealReligion or DunnAdoptions). Although there’s a lot of controversy swirling around concerning the whole ‘Bruce/Kaitlyn Jenner thing' right now, this has nothing to do with that.

But it does have something to do with a subject that most guys don’t talk about or a even give thought to. And that subject is women’s nails. And more specifically ‘women's nail colours.’ But what if I told you that I was not only thinking about women’s nails/nail colors- but I was taking it a step further by thinking about having a women’s nail party- would that make me less of a man in your mind? Well, before  you answer that question, let me give you the whole story.

As you know, we do ministry in orphanages in and around Curitiba and at Encontro com Deus (aka- Patrick’s Place). The orphanages all have house mothers that live with the kids and that take care of them 24/7. The average tenure of a house mother (unfortunately) is only around 12 months. The amount of issues that these house mothers have to deal with and the stress of their jobs is enormous. And one of the things that accompanies their job is a lack of being appreciated or celebrated for the difficult job that they do. 

So, one things that we’ve done over the last several years is try and minister to the house mothers as we’re ministering to the kids. Not only do we minister The Word to these amazing ladies- we’ve also done tea parties, given painting classes and we've helped clean their houses. But one of the favorite things we’ve done for them is to give them maicure/pedicures. Just to love on them, encourage them and to give them a sense of being appreciated so that hopefully they can continue with the work that they're doing is our goal. And the results have been amazing.
One of the house mothers at Lar Herminia getting a manicure

One of the team members from giving a pedicure to a house mother

And, in the past, we’ve also ministered to the battered/abused mothers at Patrick’s Place in the same way. There’s something about being able to show care to these women (with no strings attached) that helps bring healing to lives that’ve been filled with violence and despair. Not only is it a very humbling experience but it’s an honour to be a part of something so impactful. 

We have 2 mission teams from Graystone Church in Georgia, USA coming in June (19-26) and July (17-24). One of the things we had planned on doing with the teams is ministering to the house mothers and the battered/abused mothers by doing manicure pedicures for them all. And that’s what brings me to the purpose of this post.

My oldest daughter, Maryssa, has been doing these things called ‘nail wraps’ that she gets from the States. She was showing them to me and they're actually pretty cool. They come in over 300 different designs and colours. But, when she was showing them to me, the first that came to my mind was,"man, we need to do these for all the moms at the orphanages and at Patrick’s place rather than just doing regular nail polish.” They don't have this kind of thing here in Brazil (that we know of) and I think all the moms would love it!
Nails done with the nail wraps that we want to do for the house moms and the women in the shelter

So I asked Maryssa if we could do that and she said, “yes.” The only problem is that we don't have all the materials to do them. So Maryssa said we could do “a nail party on-line” that could provide everything that we’d need to minister to all the house moms and all the women living at Encontro com Deus’ two homes. 

So here’s the deal. Starting Tuesday (June 9) through the following Tuesday (June 16) there will be a party (it'll be called Jim’s Jamberry for Brazil) on Facebook where you can purchase these nail wraps for yourself (or your spouse/girlfriend/mom/sister/daughter) and the proceeds will help purchase the wraps for all the women we’ll be ministering to over the next 2 months: )

There will be prizes, giveaways and free stuff available on the page for you too so be sure to click HERE to check it out. It’s something that’s not expensive and it’ll give you an opportunity to be a part of something that’s happening here in Brazil. So click HERE and it’ll send you to the page. Even if you don't want to check it out for yourself forward it to someone you think might be interested. It’s for a great cause! Thanks: ) We love you guys!

Still as Manly as Ever,

***Very Important- The party won’t be LIVE on Facebook until Tuesday but you can visit the page anytime by clicking HERE. For all my Facebook friends- I’ll add you to a group so you'll get an invite Tuesday. If you're not on Facebook (and one of my friends) you can shop the page by clicking HERE just remember when you check out to use “Jim's Jamberry for Brazil” as your party name so that all proceeds go toward the ministry: )