Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Into Thin Air

We're going through a period in our walk with Christ that is different than anything we've ever done before. We're having to trust Him more than ever before. We're having to rely totally on Him and His provision, guidance and direction. Now, don't get me wrong, we've trusted God and relied on Him in the past. But it's like we always had a back-up plan just in case. (Don't judge me because you've done the same thing.) We always knew that we could always fall back on ______ if for some reason He didn't move the way we were anticipating. But not this time. This time it's different. This time it's like that part in that Indiana Jones movie where Indy (that's short for Indiana Jones for all you non-movie-watchers) had to take a step out into thin air just trusting that the walkway was there even though he couldn't see it. This time, this step, it's definitely into the unknown for us. But it's not scary though. It's weird because it's actually comforting. It's comforting to know that what we're doing is 100% Him and zero% us.
I've got a tendency to be controlling (I used to call it organized, lol!) and I always wanted to have things mapped-out perfectly. But God has been changing my thinking on this subject lately. I think when we have everything planned-out perfectly we miss a lot of what God has planned for our lives. I don't think He wants us to know every step that He has for us all the time. Because when we know what each step in our future is it causes us to not have to trust in Him. Now I know all my friends who are planners just shut me off. But think about it. Think about all the services we've had where they were so planned out that the Holy Spirit couldn't move if He wanted to because there was no time in the schedule. Or think about all the events we've planned and executed that were accomplished solely on our abilities and talents. It's crazy and I'm ready for a change. I want to be like Abraham in Genesis 12 where God told him to go to a land that He would show him (later) and he packed-up all his stuff and went. Without knowing all the details Abraham just trusted God.
I know that planning is important. And I know that preparation is necessary but at some point we've got to trust Him. At some point in our lives we've got to get to the point where if He doesn't show-up and He doesn't move we can't go on because we'll fail. The time for our family is now. We believe we heard Him (that's the most important thing, we heard His call to our family, not yours) and we're stepping out in faith... into thin air. But let me ask you a question, "How many areas in your life can you say that about?" Where are you having to trust Him. This isn't exclusive to just the Dunn Family. It's not like we're the only ones He's called to walk by faith. He's called all of us to a walk that is built on trust, obedience and faith. And when it all depends on Him, there's no other alternative but success for our lives and more importantly for the Kingdom.
So, if He's asked you to trust Him, just do it. Step out into thin air. He waiting there for you.

Love Ya,

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