Sunday, July 24, 2011

In Case You Didn't Know... "I'm a Professional Fighter"

Did you know that I'm a professional fighter? Really. Here's a picture of me and former UFC Light-Heavyweight Champion Forrest Griffin. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm big UFC/MMA fight fan. But did you know that I fight too? Actually I've been fighting a minimum of once a week for the last 3 months. Sometimes I'll fight 2-3 times a day. Seriously, I do. Now it's not the same fighting as in the UFC but it's fighting none-the-less.
You see, it seems that at least once a week I'll have a big fight... with my wife, that is. It seems like we've been fighting over stupid stuff too. Have you ever done that? Do you ever go through seasons where you're always on the edge? Now you probably thought that MJ and I never fought. That we never disagreed. That tempers never flared and things were never said that shouldn't be said. That our house was full of rainbows, puppy dogs, gumdrops and fairy dust is everywhere (I don't even know what that means, sorry). But that's not the case. We've been married for 22 years (actually our anniversary is next week!) and we're passionately in love with each other. I don't desire another woman and I know that MJ doesn't desire anyone else (probably because I'm so hot, of course. LOL!). We both love Jesus and are following Him wholeheartedly. But we've had some really good (or bad, depending on how you look at it) fights over the last few months. It's like we're in this pressure packed environment and things get heated so quick and it usually gets taken out on the ones that we love. Because when we fight it's usually not because of the other person. It's usually about the pressure we feel from other outside things. Have you ever noticed that in your relationships? Do you sometimes lash-out at the ones you love because you're frustrated about something totally different? Oh, that probably only happens in our relationship... yeah, right!
But, what I really think, is that it's just "straight-up" the devil who's trying to divide us. Because that's really the only way that he can stop us from fulfilling what God has called us to do... by dividing us.
It's the same as if there was a big huge log. I mean a big one... 3-4 feet in circumference . If you were gonna split it in two what would you do? You could hit it with an ax, sure. But that's probably not going to do too much. What you really want to do is get what you call "a wedge" and drive it into the top of the log. Then you take a sledge or a mallet and drive the wedge deeper into the log. And eventually, without much effort, the log splits! Totally divided. That's what wedges do, divide. That's what they were designed for... dividing.
It's the same in our marriage and what God's called us to do as a family. The enemy constantly tries to divide us by driving these wedges (outside pressures and stress) into our life. And, if allowed to stay, they will eventually divide us. But what we've learned to do is this... identify the "wedges" and remove them from our relationship before the devil drives them deep into us. Because if we can stay unified we're going to be able to accomplish everything God wants us to accomplish. "United we stand divided we fall." (I'm singing that song right now. Haha.)
And it's the same with your relationships. If you can identify the wedges and realize that all they are is cleverly crafted instruments of the devil, with the sole purpose of dividing, you won't fall prey to him by allowing him to divide you and your spouse. Or you and your boss. Or you and your__________. And together you'll be able to accomplish everything God has called you to do.
Even though I know this in my head, I still fall for it though. I guess I'm slow on the up-take or something. Back to the blog title... being a professional fighter. There's been a lot of fights over the last few months but one thing I can say is this... "they're always 1st round knockouts." Not because someone actually gets "knocked-out" but because we don't let them last. We're quick to forgive and quick to relent... anything to get unity back into our family. We've got to have it. We can make it without it. It's a priority to us. Because that's where the Spirit of God is. In Unity. Hopefully it's a priority for you too. Love you guys! Pray for us: )

Love Ya,

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