Tuesday, September 20, 2011

God's Radar

Have you ever seen a movie where a guy is sitting at a control console of a submarine or in a control tower with headphones on looking at a screen - just watching? It's usually a round screen with this green line slowly circling in a clockwise motion as it is sweeping the area for an enemy or a target? The thing they're using is called a radar (or sonar if you want to get all technical) . It finds things. You know what I'm talking about, right?
Well, tomorrow our entire family (except Michael... I'm still crying about this part of it) will board a plane headed for the mountains of southeast Brazil to bring the Gospel to a group of people who are on "God's Radar." That's a pretty amazing thing if you think about it. This group of people are on the "Radar of God," they've been targeted by Him and He's sending us to reach them!
That just blows my mind... first, that God actually searches people out (Luke 19:10) and second, that He chose us to do the reaching part. If you would have asked me a couple of years ago if me and my family would ever move to the mission field I would have said, "no." Not because we didn't think missions was important but because we never felt like we were the "typical missionary family" and we really felt like we would always be on staff at a local church. I mean, we were good at what we did, we loved our job, we loved the people we were serving, things were good. But then God started prepping us for this very thing. And when He asked us to go, there's no way we were going to stay where we were... in our comfortable familiar life. He had the people on the mountain on "His radar" and asked us to go... so tomorrow we do just that. And I know that God will be glorified and people are going to become fully devoted followers of Christ because of what we're doing. It's gonna be good.
Please pray for us as we travel. We are going to be video taping the entire trip and our new life in Brazil, so be sure to check back here on the blog and on our website at www.HopeAndLifeBrazil.com to see what's happening. Love you guys!

Passionately Following Jesus,
Jim, MJ, Michael, Maryssa, Marlon, Matthew, Ana, Diogo, Gabriel and Robert

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