Monday, April 23, 2012

Being Willing to Go Isn’t As Important As Being Willing to Stay

Have you ever done something that God asked you to do and it took a huge step of faith to do it, but after a while (maybe even years) you packed-up (or gave up) and left the assignment? And, after you left, you regretted it because you thought you may have left too early? I hate it when that happens, don’t you?
I use to be a runner. No, not the kind that wears those skimpy shorts with the slit that goes up way too high-up on their thigh, and that you see running on the side of the road real early in the morning. I’m talking about the kind of runner that fled at even the slightest opposition or difficulty. If it was hard, I’d quit. If somebody was giving me a hard time or making my life harder than I thought it should be... I was out of there! I probably had 30 different jobs as a teenager because I would always quit when I didn’t like something. 
But, as I got older, I carried that same mindset into adulthood. And even after I became a Christ Follower I would do the same thing. It didn’t even matter if I felt like God had asked me to do it or not, if it wasn’t comfortable... see ya! I was gone. 
As humans we’re like that though. We strive for situations that make us feel comfortable and we always seem to choose the path of least resistance. But here’s the thing, when we do that we can’t grow! We won’t mature, we won’t develop character, we won’t ever do anything dynamic or extraordinary. And when we do that (run) we miss out on what God has for us. Sure, you have to “fight flight” (hey that’s sounds pretty catchy... fight flight) all the time because, if you’re normal, you don’t like struggles and pressure. I mean, who wants to live in difficult situations all the time? Not me, that’s for sure. But as I look back over my life (and I’m gonna be 47 in June) and see all the times I “ran” from situations, I notice that there was zero growth and zero payoff when I did that. But when I look at all the times that I decided to “stick around” and fight through difficult situations, man... that’s where God was able to do things in my character and in me personally that could have never happened otherwise. Especially in ministry. I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to resign a ministry position because of things that were happening in my life. I always felt like a different ministry position would be better and that the another  ministry position would be easier. But, thankfully I’ve never quit or fled from a ministry position (yet, lol!). Thankfully I worked all that “running” stuff out in my early 20’s because I feel like the payoff has been great in my life. (If you think I’m messed up and that I’ve got problems now, you should have seen me before! haha!) I’m glad that I was able to shed that “running from difficulties” mentality. 
OK. Here’s why I’m writing this today. It’s extremely difficult living here in Brazil. It’s difficult in every area (spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally, maritally... you name it, it’s hard) and everything is a constant struggle. And we left everything we had back in the States (except for the basics that we shipped here in our crate). We left family, friends, our church, our house, a paycheck, our cars and everything familiar. We sold most of our stuff at yard sales (even stuff that held sentimental value), we gave stuff away, we left it all. And we did it willingly. We didn’t feel like God owed us anything for it either. We were willing because we knew that Jesus was leading us to Brazil. But we never expected it to be this difficult. A few weeks ago something happened and I was super discouraged and the thought flashed through my mind, “man... it sure would be nice to be back in the States serving at a local church.” And then I started imagining me and the family doing just that. And I let my mind wander a little and then I felt like God spoke to me. And this is what He said:
 “Being willing to go isn’t as important as being willing to stay.” 
Ouch. When I heard it, I felt convicted. Sure, we left it all. But that can’t ever be a checklist item like we accomplished something great and now it’s time to move on to the next item on the list. No, I’ve got to be willing to stick through until the assignment is finished. That’s when all the fantasies in my head of being back home in a local church vanished. Because my life is suppose to be about Following Jesus, not following what I want to do, right? And being willing to stay and finishing the assignment is way more important than leaving for the next one.
What about you? Are you being tempted to leave an uncomfortable situation right now? If you are, is it because God is asking you to or is it because you don’t like the present situation? Only you can decide that one, so whatcha gonna do? 
“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”
                                                                       James 1:2-4
Fighting Flight,
The Dunn’s

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