Tuesday, April 23, 2013

That’s What I Get for Trying to Putting God in a Box

Well, first of all, I realize there’s no way to actually put God in a box. Literally, that is. But I do tend to put God in a box figuratively (in my finite little mind). Now don’t “go getting all judgmental on me” because you probably do the same thing. Just admit it. Here, let me give you an example of what I’m talking about:

I’ve posted several blogs about how frustrated I was about ‘not’ being able to speak portuguese and having to always minister with a translator. 
(To read a recent blog about it, click HERE

I’ve also told you about how it didn’t make any sense to me that we weren’t pastoring in a local church somewhere because that’s where all of our experience was and that’s what we were the most passionate about... the local church. And to be back in the States where we actually spoke the language and could communicate effectively is what made the most sense to us. Because pastoring here, where everyone speaks portuguese couldn’t happen, right? Well, that’s where I was wrong and that’s where I made the mistake of “putting God in a box.” 

Even though we didn’t understand why God chose us to come here as missionaries, and even though we thought God had made a mistake, we decided to just keep following Jesus and doing what He has called us to do. And even though we thought it was more ‘logical’ if we were back in the US where all of our talents and God given abilities could be used more effectively, we knew that we just needed to trust Him. And now God is showing us exactly why He’s God and we’re not.

To make a long story short, there just so happens to be an International Church (that’s in English... that’s right, the whole service is in English) meeting at a large Baptist church in Curitiba. And they’ve called Me and MJ to be the lead pastors. How crazy is that? Being able to pastor a group of people in English in a foreign country... only God, right? The church has services every Sunday morning right now. The congregation is relatively small (between 20-30 people) but with the size of the english speaking international community in Curitiba we believe that the possibilities are endless. We started a few weeks ago as teaching pastors but before the end of the year, God willing, we should be through the election process and become lead pastors. The position is a volunteer position right now (i.e., no pay, haha!) but we’re very excited and honored that we’ve been given this opportunity. I’ll expound on it more later but we just wanted to let you know. We know beyond a shadow of doubt that this is a “God thing.” It’s something that He’s orchestrated and only He can get the glory for it. We’re very excited. Words can’t express how blown away I am at the way He just “does His thing” every time. We serve a great God.

So, here’s the question... “why is it that we always put God in a box?” He’s the one that sees the ending of our lives already. He’s the one who knows where we’re gonna be in 10 years. He’s the one who knows every hair on our heads and there’s not a bird that falls to the ground that He doesn’t know about (Matthew 10:29-31). So why do we question and doubt His plans so much? If you have the answer, let me know. But for now we’re just gonna continue to trust Him, throw away “the box” and just be content with the fact that He’s got it all figured out.

Love Ya,
Jim and MJ

PS- Here's the current website for the church if you're interested in checking it out. Click HERE

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