Friday, July 31, 2015

Winter Mission 2015': July Edition

To a missionary, mission teams/trips can either be a blessing or a burden. I hate to say it but, before moving to Brazil as a missionary back in 2011,’ I had been on mission teams that were probably more of a burden (to the missionaries/pastors) than they were a blessing. It’s like we came into town with our own agenda and our own set of things that we wanted our group to experience that we didn't even take the time to consult with the people that we were ‘supposedly' coming to help- just to make sure that we were actually helping them.

But now that I’m on the other side of the mission trips (where I’m the missionary/pastor) I realise that putting together a mission trip for a group from another country is hard work. It takes a lot of prayerful planning, it takes time arranging hotels, transportation, ministry venues, translators, meals, materials, etc.

And to do all the work for a group to come from whatever country their coming from to ‘help' me and my ministry only to see that they really didn't want to help at all- they just wanted to ‘do missions’ so they could have an experience and mark it off their spiritual bucket list or something like that is discouraging, draining and a burden that isn't worth all the effort.

So, to all the missionaries/pastors that I may have offended in past years by steamrolling my way into town with a group without actually making sure we were blessing you- “forgive me, it wasn't intentional and I’m sorry.”

The reason that I began this blog this way is because we just finished hosting the 2nd team (22 people) of the Winter (or the Summer if you're in the US) from Graystone Church USA. And I just want to publicly thank them for not only helping us- but for truly encouraging us.

Heath Hollandsworth is the Missions Pastor at Graystone and the one thing that he’s always done when he’s come/sent teams is to make sure that they were doing things that were actually helping us and helping move forward ministry that was already taking place. This is HUGE for us as missionaries. To have a team come in and serve alongside of us to help move along something we’re already doing is a major encouragement to us. And these last 2 groups from Graystone have truly empowered us to continue doing what we’re doing. So, from Me, MJ and the whole Dunn Clan- ”Thank You Graystone! We love you guys: )”

Last week was another great week of mission work here in Brazil and we're grateful that The Lord is allowing us to do what we do: ) Here’s some pictures and a brief description of what happened last week during Winter Mission 2015: July Edition. 

Day 1
 We started off the week at Lar Herminia. We did a mini VBS/sports camp with games, crafts, and Bible stories. We also cooked lunch and dinner for the kids as we spent the entire day with them. Some of the ladies from the team did facials for the house moms while Monica (one of the translators and our driver) ministered the Word to them. Maryssa was also able to do more of the Jamberry Nail Wraps (that were donated) for some of the moms and teenagers there at the Lar. After dinner that night we had a church service with worship, testimonies and a gospel centred teaching. The kids at Lar Herminia are amazing. Having done ministry in this facility for over 5 years now we’re able to see the kids grow up and to be a part of their lives. Being able to develop relationships with them is so important to us and we love them all just like they were our own: )

Day 2
We began the day at the i3C as the team gave testimonies and the Executive Pastor from Graystone, Barry Lusk, spoke to us about Grace. Then it was back to Lar Herminia where we hung-out with the kids and then cooked-out hotdogs and some of the girls made American-style mac and cheese for the kids: ) After dinner we had a church service for the kids with worship, testimonies and another gospel centred message from Barry.

Day 3
Day 3 began at Encontro com Deus (aka- Patrick’s Place) where we put on another mini VBS sport camp for the kids that are a part of the day program. These kids live in a very dangerous part of Curitiba and to be able to help Patrick reach these kids with the Gospel is an honor. After the last session at Patrick’s Place we headed over to Lar Moises and ministered to the 20 kids that are in this orphanage. Having just begun ministry in this orphanage, being able to go back in with another group of missionaries was a big step in building relationships with the kids and staff there. And to top off the day- we were able to get pizza for all the kids at the end of the night: )

Day 4
We returned to Patrick’s Place for a few hours, in the morning, where Patrick spoke to the group about the history of Encontro com Deus and encouraged us to remain steadfast as we fulfil God’s call on our lives. Then we went out to the camp (Refúgio)to give the group a look at what ministry in the jungle is like.

Day 5
On Day 5 we ministered to approximately 400 kids ages 2-6 at the Betania School in Villa Zumbi. It's always a joy ministering to these amazing kids. They live in such an impoverished village and are surrounded by violence- so to be able to tell them about Jesus and to love on them is truly an honour. That evening we went back to Patrick’s Place (the battered women’s shelter) and the women from the team ministered to the teenage moms and their children as the guys prepared dinner for them all.

Day 6
On the last day, after a quick trip to the city for souvenir shopping, we ended the trip with a Game Night and Pizza Party at Lar Herminia. Saying goodbye to all of the kids there is always a difficult time for the team but new friendships were made and hopefully lifelong relationships were formed as everyone said their final goodbyes that night.

This trip was a huge success. It was an encouragement to the hundred of kids we were with, to the staff at all the institutions we were in, to Me, MJ and our kids and most of all- it was a WIN for the Kingdom as the Gospel and the love of Jesus were proclaimed: )

We Love You Guys!
Jim and MJ

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