Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Do You Even Know What the Gospel Is?

I’ve been able to actually see some of the stuff that’s been going on in the world here lately which isn’t the norm. It seems like over the last 4 years we’ve been living in a bubble, here in Brazil, unaware of almost all current events because of our lack of internet and the absence of television here in the jungle. 

Sure, we see some stuff posted on Facebook every now and then (when we have signal). But it seems like a lot of that information is just a certain person/group’s personal opinion and not necessarily accurate news reporting. Not that any of the news is accurate anyway, right? 

Everything from the whole 'same sex marriage thing’ to ISIS and the slaughter of fellow Christians to the Ashley Madison scandal and even the ridiculous social media buzz surrounding the Starbucks Christmas cups (really, is that all we have to spend our time thinking and complaining about?). Then there’s the numerous problems in the Middle East and all the extreme racial tension back in the States. And there’s all the negative things happening in the American Government, all the natural disasters that've been happening- there are LOT of major things going on in our world right now.

As disturbing as these things are, it should make us realize that the end is definitely closer. I mean, look at all the signs. But, it shouldn't surprise us because it’s exactly like Jesus said it would happen in Matthew 24. And it’s really got me thinking about things here lately and it’s caused me to be very contemplative. Because, if you read Matthew 24:3-14, and analyse everything on the list (that Jesus gives as signs of the end)- they're all happening right now! And, just like labor pains, the closer we get the more intense the contractions (i.e., catastrophic events, wars, turmoils, etc.) will be.

But there’s one thing (and it’s actually the last thing on the list) that hasn't happened yet. One solitary thing- and that’s it. And it’s “the Gospel being proclaimed to the whole world as a testimony to all nations” (v14). That’s the only thing left before the return of Christ, the tribulation and the end of things as we all know it. I realize that only The Father knows the exact time (Matt. 24:36) but we were given these other signs that the end would be right around the corner when we saw all the things in Matthew 24 happening. 

So what does that mean for us? What should we do since the end is so near? It’s simple- we proclaim the Gospel. But I think that for most ‘christians' that will probably never happen because most people who call themselves christians don’t understand what the Gospel even is.

But if I were to ask you what the Gospel was- you could tell me, right? I mean it wouldn't be a verbatim recitation of what I would say but hopefully it would be a variation of the same thing. 

As followers of Jesus it’s imperative that we actually know what the Gospel is. The word ‘Gospel' is used approximately 90 times in the New Testament (depending on which version of the Bible you read). So it’s an important word to us and it’s paramount that we understand what it is and what it does.

We were doing a camp a couple of years ago for about 40 kids from an orphanage in Curitiba. And as usual we did all the ‘camp stuff’ with them and we brought in a band and then I had someone speak to the kids. I use to do all the preaching but I started using other people who could speak portuguese (without a translator) because I think it’s more effective presenting the Gospel when you can speak without having to translate everything.

So, I asked this youth pastor from a church in town if he’d like to minister for me. He said, “yes” and asked what I wanted him to speak about. I told him "just present a simple Gospel message that points the kids toward Jesus.”

So, it’s the first night of the camp. We cooked out hotdogs over the fire, we did some up-front games, we had some really good worship with the band- and then this youth pastor got up to speak. Now, at that time, I didn’t understand a lot of portuguese but I could understand him enough to know that what he was talking about wasn't the Gospel.   

I was sitting there trying to understand him the best I could and I was getting more frustrated with each passing minute. I wanted to hurt somebody! He was talking to them about drugs and school and, get this- obeying your parents! What!? Obeying your parents? Dude, these are orphans you dummy! They don’t have parents.

And it happened again at another camp a few months later. I asked this guy who’s kind of like an evangelist (I thought) to speak for us at a camp we were doing for a group of people from the community (that didn't go to church) that we were trying to reach with the Gospel. He got up, had them laughing and engaged but his whole point was that they needed to be better spouses, better parents and… you get the point, right?

Doesn't anyone know what the Gospel is? It’s not moral conformity. It’s not trying to be a better you! Actually, that’s the whole point of the Gospel. No matter how hard you try, no matter how much you do/don’t do certain things- you'll never be good enough for a Holy God.

That’s what makes the Gospel so amazing. He chooses us in spite of us and it’s Jesus who makes us right with God. And it’s the Gospel that keeps us right with God. It all depends on Jesus and the work He did on the cross. It’s not about us and our good works (which will always accompany true conversion) it’s about trusting in the substitutionary sacrifice that Jesus made for us and our sins. That’s the good news of the Gospel: )

Anyway, needless to say, I’m a little bit fired-up about this subject right now. It’s even caused me to take a hard look at my own life. Because even though we’re missionaries in another country, and even though we’re pastoring a growing church- the question still remains, “are we proclaiming the Gospel and are we actually making disciples?” 
Because if the proclamation of the Gospel to all nations is the only thing holding back the return of Jesus- then, as a follower of Jesus, am I doing my part to make that happen? Am I staying focused on the assignment given by Jesus to all of us who are followers of Him? 

And are we doing the best we can to make sure that the Gospel is being proclaimed to all nations (wether it’s praying/sending/supporting/equipping/going) so that everyone has an opportunity to hear the good news of the Gospel? Or are we just having church and thinking about the people who’re in my particular group and that’s it? It’s definitely something to think about: )

Love Ya,

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