Wednesday, August 17, 2016

It's Time for a Change and the Time Is Now

Me and MJ celebrated our 27th Wedding Anniversary since we posted our last blog

Hey Guys!
Well, because of a recent storm, we’ve been without internet and cell phone service at our house again for over 2 months. And without either one of those things (and limited time in town where we can actually get on-line) it’s very difficult to stay in touch with the outside world- and especially with all of our friends, family and supporters back home. 

Because of that- this blog is going to be a little longer than usual. But it’s going to also be one of the most important ones that we’ve posted in the last 5 years- for sure. So, here ya go: )

We just finished hosting another mission team (a few weeks ago) from the US. 
The Team that was just with us from Graystone Church USA

Graystone Church, USA (in Grayson, GA) sent another team to minister alongside of us and it was a HUGE encouragement as we’re continuing to try and reach the children and teenagers of Brazil with the Gospel. Thanks Graystone!
Playing with the kids before service

During one of our services at Lar Herminia

Maryssa and some of the team doing manicures for the house moms who minister to the kids 24/7

Dinner on our last night with the kids was a HUGE hit

Our last night with the kids

 We had just picked-up a new orphanage (I’ll tell you guys about that later) and they were able to help us as we’re beginning to build relationships with 50 more children and all the house mothers who take care of them. We’re very excited about being able to impact a new group of kids with the life-changing message of the Gospel.

The i3C Worship Team leading worship during one of our services at the new orphanage
(Sorry, we can't show pictures of the kids because it's prohibited by law at this particular institution- for the kids safety)

We were also in a few more orphanages here in the Curitiba and in Columbo while they were here. 

We were able to take Diogo and Gabriel back to the orphanage that we adopted them from for the first time in 8 years.
This time they were missionaries rather than residents: )

We also ministered to the children that are a part of the day program at Patrick’s Place (Encontro com Deus) and to the battered women (most of which are teenagers) and their children that have been rescued by this amazing ministry.

Bible time at Patrick's Place

Doing a craft project with the kids (that correlated with the Bible story)

After a round of dodgeball on the roof

Ministry has been going good as we’re right in the middle of our Winter here at the camp. We also celebrated our 3rd year Anniversary at IBB (Igreja Batista do Bacacheri) as the lead pastors of the English church (the i3C) back in March and have seen amazing growth in the church and in the people. Time really has flown by. We’re very grateful to the Lord for allowing us to do everything we’re doing. 

Over the last 2 years we’ve been sensing that there was going to be a change in ministry but were unsure of what that change actually was. We’re firm believers in not making any changes until we know for certain that it’s The Lord’s timing. So, we’ve just been praying and have kept doing what we’ve been doing- just waiting on Him.

Back in 2008' when we were in Brazil adopting our kids

As most of you know, we adopted a sibling group of 5 children from Brazil back in 2008.’ It hasn’t been ‘totally public knowledge’ but we’ve had some major problems that we’ve had to navigate though from the beginning. Some things are just normal kid issues, but then there have been several things that have happened that are really serious (some things even criminal) and are beyond what we’ve felt equipped to handle. 

Here's the family back on Mother's Day. Man, how everyone has grown!

We reached out and spoke with a very reputable christian counsellor back in the States and he actually recommended that we consider terminating the adoption because the things they were doing were just escalating and were more than we were capable of handling. We tried getting help here locally but counselling through the school and the government wasn't helping at all. We were feeling like there wasn't any place here in Brazil that could help us. 

We really thought that all the issues we were having with the kids was going to cause us to have to leave the mission field and go back home so that we could try and get more support. But we’ve  started taking the kids to a christian counsellor at IBB and we seem to be making some progress, for now. They are seeing this counsellor weekly and we’re just praying that things will continue to get better. Please continue to pray with us.

Here's just one of the floods that has overtaken pour front porch this year

Here at the camp we’ve had sooooooo many windstorms, floods, mudslides, etc. over the last couple of years that it’s been all we could do to just keep everything repaired, cleaned-up and operational. It’s been very difficult. It’s a struggle just living here as it is even without all that extra drama happening. It’s been very tough on us physically and emotionally. 

All the weed eating (because there’s no lawn mowers here), all the repairs to the property, all the new construction, all the daily upkeep, every time the water goes out- it’s basically Me and Matthew that have to fix/do it! I just turned 51 years old back in June and man… I’m definitely feeling it.

Besides being beaten down by the elements- there’s the constant battle with all the snakes, spiders, bats and rats. And then, there’s the zika/dangue carrying mosquitos and the copious amount of other insects we face daily.  Geez. Even though it sounds bad, unless you actually have to deal with it personally, it’s still hard to understand how difficult it really is. 

Our house was overrun by rats this year. Here's one of the ones we killed.
There were actually so many rats that we were glad that we had snakes in the house too... so they could eat the rats!

Just one of the many spiders we get to remove from our bed on a regular basis. Gotta love it!

Next month will be our 5th year living here in the jungle. We’re really feeling the strain emotionally and in our physical bodies more than ever before and because of that we’re starting to re-evaluate things a lot closer. And that brings me to the reason for writing today’s blog.

We realize that we need to make a change and the time is now. After praying through this over the last couple of years here’s what we feel like our 2 Options are:

Option 1: Move to the City
Less than 10% of our ministry takes place at the camp but 90% of our physical labor/effort/finances  goes into maintaining and living at the camp. And, since it’s such a struggle living here, moving to the city would not only help us physically and emotionally- it would also allow us to focus more on actual ministry in the orphanages and in Vila Zumbi and focus less on labouring to maintaining this huge property (110 acres) where such a small portion of ministry actually takes place.
Some of the kids from an orphanage in Curitiba going through the obstacle course at the camp

One of the orphanages that we've hosted at the camp

Option 2: Move Back to the States
'In the natural'- this would be the easiest thing to do because it’s home, we miss our oldest son and daughter-in-law, we miss the rest of our family and friends and it’s our own culture. We would still be able to facilitate missions teams to Brazil and we’d still maintain ministry in the orphanages (through raising monthly sponsorship for the kids and hosting) from the US.

Our oldest son, Michael, and our daughter-in-law, Sarah, who live back in the states

Those are our options.

God has supernaturally provided and allowed us to minister to literally thousands of kids through the camp, in the orphanages and in the local favelas over the last 5 years doing what we’re doing and for that we’re very grateful. But for the ministry to grow (and continue) we’ve got to make a change. There’s no way to continue the way we’re doing things right now- it’s not sustainable physically or emotionally anymore. We all feel like we’re at our breaking point.

Some of the children we minister to in Vila Zumbi

The giant parachute is always a big hit with the kids

5 years ago we sold almost everything we had to come and proclaim the Gospel here in Brazil. And, over the last 5 years, we’ve spent all that we've had to get the camp to where the conditions were liveable, to build the camp (for the kids) to where it was safe and we had things that would attract more people here so that they could hear the Gospel. Over the years we’ve depleted all of our savings and have spent almost every dollar we have on restoring, constructing and maintaining the camp over the last 5 years. And we don’t regret any if it. It’s been an amazing journey seeing what God’s been able to do here through our family and the people who support us.

But, like I said, “it's time for a change and the time is now.” So, considering our 2 Options, here’s what it will look like for either of them to work:

Either way, we can’t continue to maintain the camp, so we’re in the process of selling it. But the economy (here in Brazil) is the worst that it’s been since the 1930’s. The current President is going through the impeachment process, the crime rate is high, people are unsure of the future, the Brazilian Realis (their currency) is the lowest that it’s been in recent history and people aren’t buying real estate right now. So, we have no idea how long that it will take for the property to sell. But ministry needs to continue and we we’re moving forward regardless of that fact.

Option 1- Move to the City

We found a property that’s literally 10 minutes from all the orphanages that we work in, it’s 15 minutes from church, there’s better schools for the kids, there’s grocery stores and pharmacies, and… get this-  it’s in town where we could actually have a phone and internet 24/7 at home again!

A view of the front of the house we're looking at

We spoke with the owners (who live in Argentina) and they've agreed to let us rent the property for the next 12 months or until the camp sells. It will cost us (with the current exchange rate) around US$1,500 per month to rent the property and still maintain the camp. This is monthly support that we would need to raise in addition to what we currently receive. Plus, we would need US$1,000 as a deposit to move in. There’s Option 1.

Option 2: Move Back to the States

Although we’d love it and this would be great, we honestly don’t feel like we’re done here in Brazil yet. So option 2 would only happen if Option 1 doesn’t work-out. So, until that happens I’m not gonna list out all the steps for Option 2 just yet: ) 

Here’s how you can help right now

It’s simple and I'm not gonna drag this on… we need your help. Would you prayerfully consider supporting us for the next 12 months to help us move to the city so that we can continue ministry in the orphanages and in the favelas in and around Curitiba? 

Some of you may want to give a one time gift instead and that’s great- but either way (monthly or one time) we need your help. No gift is too small either. If everyone who read this blog gave something we’d have what we needed to continue: )

I know that was a lot of information to give you just to get to the last couple of paragraphs but there’s a lot going on here right now and this is a HUGE decision for our family: ) So, just let us know what you think. And, even if you decide that you can’t give, please do pray for us. Pray specifically that God’s perfect will is done in and through this ministry and that He is glorified in all that we do.

We love you guys!
Jim, MJ, Maryssa, Matthew, Ana, Diogo, Gabriel and Bob (formerly known as Robert- by his request, lol!)

You Can Give By…
Your tax deductible donations can be made securely through Paypal by clicking HERE

through our website 

or by mailing a check to PO Box 231 Loganville, GA 30052

First of all, let me just say, “thank you” to everyone who responded and gave in response to our last blog. The love and support that you’ve shown has really encouraged us. Like we told you- it was probably the most important blog we had posted in the 5 years that we’ve lived here in Brazil. If you didn't get a chance to read it, and have no idea what I’m talking about, click HERE to see.

I have some great news and a great opportunity to announce concerning our progress of reaching our goal for Option 1 (Moving to Town) in the last blog. 

As most of you probably know- over the last couple of years Graystone Church USA has played a major role in us being able to reach thousands of children and teenagers with the Gospel. Whether it’s been through their monthly support, the purchase of a van for our family and ministry back in 2014', sending numerous mission teams to minister alongside of us, or by their faithful prayers and correspondence with us- it’s all been a major factor in us doing what we do. 

Well, they've stepped-up (again) and made an amazing offer to us. They’ve committed to matching all the funds we’ve already raised (and that we’re continuing to raise over the next few weeks) to help us reach our goal of US$1,500 per month for 12 months so that our family can move to town and continue ministering, more effectively, here in Brazil! That’s right, we needed to raise US$18,000 and they’ve offered to give us US$9,000 if we can raise the other US$9,000!

So, if you've ever considered giving to help support the ministry here in Brazil- now is the time! Ít doesn't matter the amount because it all adds up. So, please prayerfully consider helping. We’re very excited about the possibility of being able to focus more on ministry and less on all the difficulties that we face daily in the jungle by moving to the city- so thank you for your support.

We Love You Guys!
Jim, MJ and the Entire Dunn Family 

You Can Give By…
Your tax deductible donations can be made securely through Paypal by clicking HERE
through our website 

by mailing a check to PO Box 231 Loganville, GA 30052

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