Tuesday, August 9, 2011

OK. That's it... I Quit!

Have you ever been so discouraged and so weighted down, with the pressure in your life, that you wanted to quit? What about feeling so depressed, because even though you prayed and believed that God was going to move in a certain direction, He didn't, and you have no idea what's going on? Have you ever been there? Maybe you were believing for a financial breakthrough or that God was going to heal somebody you really cared about. But then that financial breakthrough didn't come or that person you were fervently praying for died. Then there it is... depression, doubt, discouragement, anger. What's going on God? Why didn't you answer my prayer? I mean, we're doing everything you asked us to do... we're not living in sin, we've confessed your Word over the situation... we've done everything we're suppose to do here! What's up?!
Have you ever been there? Well, that's exactly where we were last week. There was a particular situation that we were trusting God for and it didn't work out like we were wanting "at all." We had been praying, confessing, believing, trusting God... then BAM! The thing that we couldn't even imagine could happen, did. It seemed like the whole world was crumbling around us. The depression was actually tangible and we could actually "feel" the weight of it. We didn't know what to do.
But then we did all we knew to do... we turned to God. In our brokenness and in our defeat (that's how we felt) we just told Him we still trusted Him. Then we turned to Him for comfort. It's funny but as MJ and I went to different places in the house (to be alone and pray) God spoke to us individually through His Word and it literally comforted us in one of the worst times we've ever had in our entire lives (that we can remember). I know that may sound cheesy but man, just allowing the Holy Spirit to minister to us in our despair was awesome! The situation was still bad and our circumstance hadn't changed but we had peace. Real peace. Peace that couldn't be described in our situation.
So what're you gonna do in that situation you're going through right now (or that situation in the future)... are you gonna quit (pursuing God) and give up? Or, are you going to trust Him no matter what the outcome? Even if it doesn't make any sense and you feel like you're gonna die because it's so overwhelming... what're gonna do? What if your situation doesn't turn out for the best, what are you going to do? I encourage you to press deeper into Jesus and allow His Spirit to comfort you. He just wants us to trust Him no matter what our circumstance is. It's only making you stronger and strengthening your walk with God anyway. So, what're you gonna do? There's NOTHING that you're going through (or will ever go through) that can separate you from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39) and if we can't be separated from Him... then there's NOTHING to be afraid of. Having Him is the most important aspect of our lives so keep seeking Him. And besides that, the only other option is to quit and we're not quitters, right?...

Passionately Following Jesus and not Quitting,

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