Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Do you remember being in school and someone would yell out, “fight, fight, fight” to announce a fight that just broke out?  And immediately everyone would run over to watch. Then, some people would yell out things to provoke the fight to keep it going and some people would “cheer on” the person they wanted to win... you remember that, right? It happened 30 years ago when I was in high school (yep 30 years... man, that makes me feel old!) and it’s still the same today. Matthew brought home a video on his phone of a fight that happened  at the high school. (I wanted to post it with this blog but Matthew couldn’t send it to me for some reason, but that’s probably a good thing.) He didn’t shoot the video, someone else did and then they sent it to him (him and every other person on their contact list). Gotta love technology: )
And the thing that made this fight more exciting is that it was a “girl fight.” And girl fights are usually the most exciting. There’s no trash talking, no peacock-ing, no beatin‘ round the bush... just straight-to-the-point fighting. There’s not just punching either. There’s usually slapping, hair-pulling, scratching, no-holds-barred-anything-goes fighting. Now, there’s not much form or technique involved, but it’s exciting none-the-less.
This was one of those fights. But the thing that stood out to me the most, was how everyone just stood around and watched. After about a minute or so, a teacher flew in and tried to break it up. I say "tried" because either he was afraid of getting hit or he really didn’t want to stop it because he didn’t seem committed when he tried to pull them apart. Let’s just say it took a little longer than it should’ve to separate them.
Anyway, back to all the people watching. The thing that stood out the most to me is how everyone just stood there watching. It’s like they wanted to do something but all they did was “watch.” Everybody was a spectator.
And I believe that God puts us in the same position when it comes to our lives. He allows us to get into these “fights” so that a crowd is drawn and so that people will see us when we’re in the heat of battle. Now, our fights aren’t against people. Ephesians 6 tells us that, right? And our fights come in so many different forms. They can be persecutions, afflictions, temptations, trials... all kinds of stuff. And, when we’re in the fight, you can guarantee somebody’s watching. They are, trust me. 
And I believe that God allows us to be in these situations so that our faith in Him will be the thing that shines through to everyone watching us. Anyone can ‘say’ they’re followers of Christ when everything is great and life is good. But when your in a ‘fight’ and you’re struggling to make it and you keep trusting Him in spite of your circumstances, that’s when God is glorified through our lives.
And depending on how you interpret Hebrews 12:1, there’s a whole bunch of Old Testament saint’s cheering us on from the grandstands as well! So, no matter what you’re fighting right now, don’t quit and don’t give up... keep on fighting: )

“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”                                                                                                                                             
                                                                                                                I Timothy 6:12

Fighting the Good Fight,
Jim and MJ

PS- the picture up top is of Matthew and Maryssa when they were going to a "redneck festival" that a church in Curitiba (that we serve with) was having to try and reach their community. Everyone dressed-up in their best cowboy attire and had a great time.

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