Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Look, He’s Naked!

OK. This is another blog about nudity in the public school system. Sorry, but I just don’t get it. If you didn’t read the other blogs on this subject, click HERE and HERE. Anyway, Robert (our 6 year old) came home the other day and said, “look Mom... there’s another naked picture of a boy in my book.” So, we checked it out and upon reviewing the book in question... yep! He was right. You can see the picture below.

 Am I a prude because this aggravates me? Because the question in my mind is “why is it necessary to show the little uncircumcised boy totally naked to a bunch of kindergarteners?” From what I can figure out, they were trying to teach the kids about washing their hair and good hygiene which, if you have little kids, is a great idea. But why not just show him from the waist up? Or what about sitting in a tub where we didn’t have to see his little wiener? These are kindergarteners and there’s girls in the class too. So am I over-reacting like some freakoid father that’s totally out of touch with reality? Just curious. Sorry for ranting, but I just don’t get it.
Which reminds me... the other day MJ and I drove down to Terra Boa (our village) to get gas and to pick-up some construction supplies. We got the gas first and then, when we were on our way to the construction store, I had to pull over because the gasoline container had tipped over in the back of the car (the lid was on tight, so not the end of the world). As I was leaning into the back of the car (standing the container up) MJ said, “whatever you do don’t look over to your right.” Which caused me to.... drumroll please.... look over to my right. And as I did, there he was... a guy with his pants down just looking at us and smiling. Awesome. This was straight-up out of the twilight zone, for sure. As I got back into the car (laughing and weirded out, all at the same time), MJ told me the whole story. She said that the guy was just standing there smiling at her. And right when she was about to wave at him and say hello, she noticed that his pants were down below his hips and that his entire “crotch area” was totally exposed! So she quickly looked away and told me not to look. Which I wish I would’ve heeded her advice, because now I’ve got that image burned into my brain. Not good. (FYI- telling someone not to look is just like saying “quick, look!” Thanks MJ.) 
Back to the guy. He’s about 20 or so years old and has some type of disability (besides the ability to keep his pants on, lol!). We’ve seen him wandering around before and always thought that he could possibly be demon possessed. We’ve never been that close to him and now that we have... I’d have to say that he is. I’m not saying that everyone with a mental problem is demon possessed (if that’s the case then half my family is demon possessed, haha) but there’s some situations where you just know that there’s something spiritual going on. And this is one of those times. He’s usually just standing on the outside of this one particular house pacing and talking to himself. No matter what time of day it is, he’s always out there by himself just pacing and talking. He’s always very dirty and his hands are kind of contorted. I guess you could say that he’s kind of a fixture in the village too. Everyone knows who he is and that he’s got some issues.
I was just reading this morning in Mark 6, where Jesus sent out His disciples preaching  repentance, they anointed the sick with oil and people were healed, and it says “they cast out many demons.” Now, unless all the demons died of old age (which obviously I’m only being sarcastic) then they’re still doing the same thing today that they’ve always been doing (trying to destroy humans... who are suppose to be the image bearers of God).  So that means we need to be ready and available to cast out demons too (if that’s how the Spirit leads us), right? Now I probably just lost about half of my baptist friends and all my friends who believe in cessationism, sorry. But, how awesome would it be to see this man healed and set free from whatever it is that has him bound-up and for God to get all the glory for it? Hopefully we can be involved with that happening. We’ll just have to see: )
Back to the naked cartoon picture that I was ranting about earlier... what do you think? Is that normal to see that in a kindergarteners book? Seriously, I’d like to know what you think. And I won’t be offended if you tell me that I’m overreacting. 
 Love Ya,

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