Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I Guess It Depends On How Much You Want It

There are a some things here in Brazil that are cheaper than in the US- like meat, for instance. You can buy steak for super-cheap here (compared to what you would pay in the States). For example: 1 filet mignon steak (weighing approximately 14oz) will cost you about $14.50 in the average US meat market, right? Well, here in Brazil I can purchase the entire loin for only $30.00! And FYI, you can cut about 12-15 14oz steaks out of 1 loin. I guess that’s one of the benefits of living in the country that’s the largest producer of beef in the world, right? And that probably explains why it costs about $50+ to eat at Fogo de Chao (the Brazilian all-you-can-eat steakhouse in Atlanta) and it only costs between $6-$15 to eat at any Brazilian churrascaria (all-you-can-eat steakhouse) here in Brazil. 
Filet Mignon cooked medium rare...  oh, yeah: )
But there are some things here in Brazil that are more expensive than in the States. Especially when it comes to cars and electronics. We paid the same price for our 1998 VW Pararti that you could buy a 2012’ VW for in the States. A 2014’ Dodge Ram pick-up costs around $42k in the States when, here in Brazil, the same exact truck costs $150k!

Something else that’s more expensive here are electronics- and especially Apple products. I bought my 17” Macbook Pro laptop in 2011‘ for $2,400. The same exact laptop at the Apple Store here in Brazil in 2011'was $4,500. It’s crazy! So anything related to electronics and any type of vehicle that you buy here is gonna cost at least twice the amount that you’re use to paying back home.

Well, last month as I was using my computer I noticed that it wasn’t charging (even though it was plugged-in). And after a closer examination of the cord I noticed that it was broken. Yep, that’s right. The cord was officially broken. Man, now what? There’s no Apple Store way out in the jungle and I need my computer to work so that I can live  (seriously, I do). I mean, I use it to study for sermons each week. I use it to correspond with people in the States. I use it to correspond with people here in Brazil (for church, orphanages and camps). Without it I’m pretty much dead-in-the-water: (

There’s an Apple Store in the center of Curitiba (a little over an hour away) so Me and Matthew decided to drive all the way there to get a new charger. It was a major inconvenience having to drive all the way downtown in our car (actually driving anywhere in our car is a major inconvenience, haha) but I needed the charger. After  driving almost an hour on the highway, then having to navigate another 30 minutes through downtown traffic (thanks World Cup!), then we had to find a parking spot somewhere in the belly of the underground parking garage at the mall. Then, after riding a series of 14 different escalators/elevators and climbing 2 staircases- we finally get to the right floor at the mall. The Apple Store: )

Yes, we finally got there, Praise God! But, when we arrived, they told us that they didn’t have the right charger! Say what!?! I couldn’t believe it. This was the Apple Store. How could you not have a charger for a Macbook at the Apple Store? Unbelievable. I thought  I was having a nervous breakdown/panic attack at this point.

But the Apple guy told us that we could go down the street a few blocks (about 1.5 km away) to an Apple Authorized place called ‘Omni’ and they should have it. So, rather than trying to descend into the depths of the parking dungeon to retrieve our car, navigate through the bumper to bumper traffic and then trying to park somewhere again- we decided to walk. And if you know me, you know I looooove walking, not! But I needed the charger so off we went onto the streets of downtown Curitiba in search of ‘Omni.’

After we arrived at Omni we pulled a number off one of those little ticket dispensers and waited for our turn. While we were waiting for our number to be called this guy walked in and as we made eye contact I thought to myself, “I know this guy from somewhere... hmmm.  Where do I know him from?” Then it clicked, BAM! It was Mauricio “Shogun” Rua. He was the former UFC Light heavyweight Champion in 2010’ and he was the Pride Fighting Grand Prix Champion back in 2005.’ Wow. Didn’t expect to see him here. I wonder what type of Mac related problems he was having?
Former Light-heavyweight Champion Maricio 'Shogun' Rua

As we stood there looking at each other from opposite sides of the room it occurred to me that I was wearing a black sweatshirt with a huge bright yellow Tapout logo (a Mixed Martial Arts brand) on it. So he was probably thinking, “oh man- this guy’s an MMA fan and he’s probably gonna ask me for an autograph or a picture, crap.” So I broke eye contact with him so that it wasn’t obvious that he had been recognized. And if he was as frustrated as I was at trying to get a charging cable (or find resolution to whatever other Apple related issue he was having) I wasn’t going to compound his frustration by bothering him for an autograph or a picture. So I turned away and let him wait for his turn in peace: ) But I saw him nonetheless.

Anyway, they finally called my number and I told them that we needed a charger for a 17” Macbook Pro. Then the girl walked over to one of the display racks and started looking through all the chargers trying to find the right one. She started looking dumbfounded and walked over to another ‘Omni employee’ and asked for help. At this point I’m praying fervently that they have the right cord. Because, if they don’t, I’m probably gonna have a meltdown and go postal! They’re the only place within a 350 mile radius that has Apple accessories and I need to charge my computer. 

They both start looking and looking and looking. All the while, I’m praying and praying and praying. I can feel my blood pressure rising with each passing second. What’s gonna happen? Are they gonna find one or am I gonna lose it and run the risk of having to be calmed down by “Shogun” Rua? I mean, I’m looking around the room and I think I can take everyone but him. But still. haha. jk.

After what seemed like an eternity they pulled one out, looked at each other, turned and smiled as they brought it to me. When we walked over to the register they rung it up and the the total was R$490! Whoa! Whatchyou talkin’ bout Willis!? (sorry, 70’s sitcom reference, haha!). Seriously? That’s highway robbery! It’s-a-charging-cable... I was stunned. I can buy the exact one for about $60 in the States so what’s the deal?
Charger for a 17" Macbook Pro
But I needed it. If I was going to be able to ‘do what I do’ I needed my computer and I needed it charged. So, as much as it hurt, I counted out the R$490 to the girl. And after she pried the money out of my hands she handed over the bag with my new R$490 charger in it and we left.

As I stepped out onto the crowded streets with my bright-white Apple bag (containing my new R$490 charger) I felt like everyone was looking at me. I mean, the bag’s got a giant Apple logo on it which translates to, ‘hey look- there’s something expensive in here’. Walking through the crowded streets of downtown Curitiba with an Apple shopping bag?... I might as well be walking around with one of those big cloth bank bags that has dollar signs on it. lol! This feeling of paranoia started to rush over me. And I started thinking, “someone might try to jack this thing from me as I’m walking down the street.” I felt like there was a big target on me. It was weird.

So I did what any smart American man would do in this situation. I put my head down and then I cradled the bag between my forearm and chest like Larry Csonka did back in the 70’s as he ran over the defense to score. (If you’re wondering who Larry Csonka was- he was one of the greatest NFL running backs ever- and a Miami Dolphin of course, just sayin’). So with football... I mean, white Apple shopping bag securely tucked under my arm- I started to walk very determinedly the 1.5km toward the mall and my car  (aka the end zone). If anyone so much as asked me for the time I was runnin’ over them. Nobody’s getting my charger. Not today: )
NFL Hall of Fame Running back Larry Csonka
We finally made it to the car. And as I sat there taking a deep breath, I thought, “man, that was a lot of stuff to go through to get a charger but it’s worth it. Now I can work again.” I knew that I needed it and no amount of time, distance, inconvenience, money, obstacle or even opposition was gonna stop me.

And that’s when it hit me. That’s the same way that it’s got to be with my spiritual walk with God. For me to be ‘charged and operable’ I’ve got to have the same tenacity and the same fight. If spending time with God in prayer and in the Word is something that has to happen to be able to ‘do what I do’ then I’ve got to be just as determined to do it as I was to get the charger for my Mac.

Let’s face it, all our lives are busy, right? And most of the time the thing that suffers is our personal time with God. There’s always something going on- pulling on us- draining us. But as Christians we can’t afford to use that as an excuse to ‘not stay charged-up’ by spending time in prayer and in the study of God’s word ‘daily.’ For us to make it in this life- it’s mandatory. Even in the midst of serving Him we’ll have to struggle to make it a priority- we just will.

It would be ridiculous for me to think that my computer would just run and run and run without having to be recharged, right? Well, it’s exactly the same with us spiritually. Just because we read the Bible last week and said a prayer before dinner last night doesn’t mean that our ‘spiritual batteries’ will remain strong enough to make it through the things that we’ll face today. We’ve got to fight for time to pray daily. We’ve got to make it a priority to spend time in His word every day

How about you? Do you find that it’s difficult finding the time to ‘recharge your spiritual batteries daily?’ Because as difficult as it is- it’s worth every bit of the effort. 

Several years ago I heard someone say something that’s always stuck with me and I think it bears repeating- they said, “you always make time for the things that are most important to you.” And, if you think about it, it’s true. Me finding a charger for my computer was a priority, so I made it happen. But I’m sad to say that I don’t always put the same sense of urgency into spending time in prayer every day. It’s a struggle. But in light of this whole 'charger thing’- I’m going to endeavor to make it a priority by pushing other things aside to make t happen: )

Love Ya, 


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