Thursday, February 23, 2017

I Didn’t Have the Heart to Tell Them

Have you ever NOT told somebody something for their own good or because giving the information to them would in no way be beneficial to their wellbeing? Well, that just happened this past week. I had information, that if shared, wouldn't have done anyone any good so I withheld it. The information involved a big spider. But let me give you a little bit of context before I tell you what I didn’t have the heart to tell: )

We just finished-up serving another mission team yesterday. These missionaries were different than any others that we’ve been able to serve alongside of here in Brazil too. This group of 22 people was from Liverpool, England. 

Actually, they were from a church called St. Peter’s Church in Woolton, Liverpool England which is the church where Paul McCartney met John Lennon for the first time in 1957. Pretty cool, huh? But that wasn't what made them different, no. What made this team different is that of the 22 people who came- only 6 of them were under 60 years old (and of those only 3 were teenagers). That’s right, this was primarily a group of senior citizens! Actually one of them, John, was 83 years old!

Here's Me and John with Ketlyn, a girl from the project, who painted his name for him.

They came half way around the world, to a foreign country, to minister the love of Christ to children who without Jesus have absolutely no hope. It was impressive. When most believers reach their age they don’t think that they have anything to offer to children. They think that kids couldn't possibly be ministered to by someone as old as them. But, as the past 9 days has shown, their presence here in Brazil has left an imprint on these kids' lives that will never be forgotten.

One of the team members, Ian, gave photography classes to some of the older girls

Whether it was through Bible stories, worship, dancing, art projects, games, photography classes, or just hanging out with them- these kids were ministered to in a mighty way. And all through people who typically don’t come on mission trips because of age.

One of the team, Kip, sketched out a drawing in the foyer of ECD
then the kids got to paint in the colours 

One evening we were able to take all the caretakers of the battered women homes to dinner
and thank them for all of their hard work towards the women and children in both homes

One of the projects that the kids did was painting glass sculptures that they got to keep

Here's the finished project of the mural in the lobby of ECD

As the group left (on the last day of the trip) the tears were flowing on both sides (adults and kids alike) because of the relationships that were formed. But more than just relationships being formed- the Gospel was progressed in the lives of the kids. Things that ECD (aka Patrick’s Place) has been instilling and teaching the kids on a daily basis was reinforced in all the kids’ lives through this trip- and that’s what this is all about. 

So, if you're reading this blog and you’re in the latter years of your life- don’t ever let the enemy convince you that you don’t have anything to offer because of your age. You have more in you than you know. Whether it’s going on a mission trip, serving in the children’s ministry or in the youth group of your local church- you’ve got something in you that God can use. So, let him use you!

Well, back to the withheld information…

On day 2 of the trip I woke up, got ready and went out to the van to go pick-up the team. It was still dark outside and a light fog hovered over my yard. It was kinda eerie. As I opened the van door- their it was. A big spider in the doorjamb of the driver’s side door. I went to try and smash it but rather than jumping off onto the ground it scurried inside the van. Oh crap! 

I put the flashlight mode on on my cell phone to try and see where it was. As I shined  the light of my cell phone on the ceiling of the van, there it was just looking at me with it’s freaky little eyes. I moved slowly toward it and tried to smash it again but it kept moving out of the way. And then it happened, BAM!… it jumped into the back of the van. Oh, no. I couldn't see where it was! What now? I was going to pick-up a van load of missionaries who were not only senior citizens but who were mostly prim and proper English women: (  Surely, they were NOT gonna be happy about this. 

So, I did what any intelligent person would do in my situation. I opened all the doors and went back inside the house for a few minutes in hopes that the spider would leave when he saw that I was gone. Yes, this was only one step above denial but it’s all I had at the time. 

Then, after a few minutes I went back out to the van, closed the doors and went and picked everyone up. No problem. Did the spider leave? Did/is he still in the van? I don’t know. But I do know one thing- I didn’t have the heart to say anything to these sweet people and unless they read this blog, which is doubtful, what they don’t know won’t hurt them, right? lol! 

But one thing I DID have the heart to tell them was, “Thank You. Thank you for taking the time, spending the money and coming to minister to some amazing children in the slums of Curitiba, Brazil.” 

Love You Guys!



  1. You're forgiven about the spider Jim . under normal circumstances I would have been mortified with fact that I was possibly sitting in the same as a spider! (Yes you're right in thinking oh no not another fear) however I'm afraid it's true in afraid of spiders too. On a positive note my fear of heights is slowly diminishing I went to the falls in Argentina today and stood at the top & looked down. Also my fear of flying is also slowly diminishing I no longer haveca panic attack at take off and landing. I'm still scared of spiders but can honestly understand why you didn't tell us.

    Angie xx

  2. Your secret is out Jim though I forgive you;) But hey, we all survived! Have to say that I have never been called a prim and proper English woman can I forgive you for that...??
    Denise xx
