Monday, July 30, 2012

Forgetting Your Anniversary

Have you ever forgotten your anniversary? You hear of “guys” doing it all the time. Then, after they do, they have to jump through all kinds of hoops just to get back into good graces. Well, I’ve never forgotten my anniversary. That is until yesterday.
I had just finished ministering at the pavilion, we tore down all the equipment, came home, ate lunch, yelled at a couple kids (that’s always a part of our Sunday afternoon routine) and then MJ and I sat down at the table to spend some time together and just talk (alone). It was actually nice finally being able to sit and have a conversation with my wife for a change. It seems like our life is a constant whirlwind of kids, projects, drama, ministry and everything else imaginable... everything except having enough time to just sit and talk (uninterrupted, that is). The weather was perfect (mid 70’s), the wind was blowing gently through all the open windows, the sun was shining and the blue skies were a welcomed change from the cold-crappy-gray weather we’ve had here the last few months. I know, that to most of the people reading this blog (back in the US), that cold weather would be a welcomed change for you since it’s been in the 100’s all across the country. But trust me, being wet and cold here in the mountains and jungles of Brazil is equally as miserable (even more-so, because we have no heat here). 
But anyway, it was great just sitting there with my wife and being able to look into her eyes and talk. She got up from the table to get something and I made a comment on how hot I thought she was (sorry, I just grossed my kids out with that comment, I’m sure) and how much I loved her. And, as she smiled and walked over to me, we kissed and hugged for a minute. Then she made the comment on how she couldn’t believe that we were still this much in love after all these years and I said, it’s been what?... 23 years, right?” And then we both just looked at each other and simultaneously gasped and quickly looked over at my computer (it was sitting on the table) to look at the date. Then we both (in stereo) said, “No way! Today is our anniversary!”
We had both forgotten our anniversary. That’s absolutely crazy. How can life be sooooo busy that you both forget one of the most important dates of your life? That’s just not right. But we had a good laugh about it and she told me not to tell anybody (which I've obviously ignored) and then we laughed some more.
The reason I’m blogging about this today is because- I’ve got to. There’s no way that I can’t NOT say anything. Not the fact that we both forgot that it was our anniversary. I’m talking about- there’s no way that I can pass up the opportunity to give God the glory that we’ve made it this far. We’ve been married for 23 years (we’ve been together for 25) and there’s no possible way that we would have made it this far but for Him and what He’s done in our life. There was so much drama at the beginning of our marriage that nobody thought we would make it (drama that was generated by me, of course). Statistically we were doomed from day one. But God had different plans. And when I finally woke-up and “really” gave my life to Jesus everything changed. 
We’ve had difficulties over the years but that’s just part of life no matter who you are. But, as we’ve pressed-in to God and relied on Him, we’ve been able to do some pretty amazing things together as a couple. And all the glory goes to God. Because, without Him, we would have crashed and burned a long time ago. Just wanted to thank Him publicly: )
Still In Love,
Jim and MJ
PS- yes I had a mullet (as did ALL the cool guys back in the 80’s) and a ridiculously hideous flesh colored mustache. But hey... when you’re hot- you’re hot, right? lol! jk. What in the heck was I thinking with that look? That’s just crazy. 

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