Wednesday, March 9, 2016

In God We Trust?

Here's the sign that hangs in our house above our front door

I was sitting here at my kitchen table thinking about the zillionth poisonous snake I had just finished killing while MJ and I were walking outside a few minutes ago (ridiculous). And, as I looked up, I saw the sign that hangs inside our house (over our front door). It reminded me of the fact that we’ve never had anyone bitten by one of these things. We totally trust Him and we are very grateful.

In God We Trust printed on the back of a US Twenty Dollar Bill
Then, for some reason it got me thinking about things back home in the States. The sign says, “In God We Trust.” For us, it’s not just something that’s printed on a plaque in our home either. It’s something that we try to live by and it’s something I’ve heard all my life (being an American). Heck, it’s even printed on all our money! But, be that as it may, it’s seems like it’s something that a lot of people have forgotten about. Here, let me explain:

We’ve been without any internet (absolutely zero internet at all) for 2 weeks now at our house. We’ve gone through 4-5 wi-fi modems (that are connected to an antenna on our roof) over the last few years too. These modems are what allow us to get internet service via a radio signal. 

Well, a couple weeks ago (when we were having all those storms) we had a power surge that took out our modem- again. Even though it was connected to a surge protector it still got zapped. Go figure. Anyway, we’ve ordered another modem and we expedited the shipping (still waiting, haha!) and it should be arriving any day now: )

We go to town a couple of times per week. And, when we do, we always try to get online and check our email and our Facebook messages (if we’re able to get service, that is). And, it seems that over the last several weeks (on Facebook) it’s gotten absolutely crazy with how many political posts there are. It seems like everyone has an opinion… and a strong one too. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many people, with such strong-diverse-opinions, who are absolutely convinced that they’re right and anyone who disagrees with their line of thinking is, not only wrong, but a heretic! lol!

The Antichrist? Really?
According to some of my "Facebook friends” (depending on who they are), “Trump and Hillary are both the antichrist and are going to bring destruction to the US if elected!” Really? It’s crazy how far some people are willing to go with letting their thoughts be known and criticising everyone who doesn’t have the same political convictions as them.

I even saw where a “famous minister” has prophesied that a particular candidate is “God's chosen man” and that God told him that this person will be the next president! And then another high profile minister has endorsed (on social media) a different candidate as “God's chosen one” and that anyone who calls themselves a christian had better vote for this person or they're ‘christianity’ is in question. Really? Which one is it? I’m confused.

I guess the fact that I’m removed from my culture right now (here in Brazil) and can look at the situation almost like ‘an outsider’ is kind of beneficial because it’s allowing me to see things from a different perspective. And, to be honest with you, it’s kind of embarrassing (as an American Christian).

To have political convictions is great. But to proclaim your political convictions so strongly (like it’s the Gospel or something) by telling everyone who doesn’t think like you that they're wrong and that you're right is ridiculous. And worse yet, it does something very damaging- it isolates people. I say "it isolates” because it takes everyone who doesn't think like you and it puts them out of reach (to you, anyway) and it eliminates your ability to effectively speak into their lives (probably forever- or at least until the election is over and they forget about all your Facebook rants). It’s just not worth it.

For some reason I thought that, first and foremost, we were brothers and sisters in Christ (referring to my christian Facebook friends)? Not first and foremost Republicans or Democrats. Not first and foremost for Trump or Cruz. Or first and foremost for Hillary or Bernie. Right?

One of these will probably be the face of our new President- like it or not: )

Is this an important election? Yes, absolutely. Are we as christians suppose to fulfil our civic responsibility and be a part of the voting process by trying to vote for and elect who we think is the right candidate? Yes, of course. Do we have issues that are important to us and that are core to our beliefs? Sure.

But, propping up your candidate as “God’s anointed" (someone else's words- not mine) and criticising everyone who doesn't have the same thoughts as yours is wrong. Because when the smoke clears and this is over we have to continue to reach the world with the Gospel ‘together’- that’s the mission. Our main mission (at least it shouldn't be) isn’t to get our candidate elected and blast everyone who doesn't vote your way.

If we spend so much effort segregating ourselves during this election process (by all of our crazy social media comments) it’s just gonna make it that much more difficult to do what we’re really called to do ‘together’ once this passes- and it will pass.

And, if you want to get down to it, as far as hanging our hopes for the future on whoever is elected ? Sorry, that’s not what we’re suppose to do either. Our trust is suppose to be in God and in Him alone. I don’t care if the most wicked person on the planet gets elected- God’s plans and purposes will still happen. He’s in control- not some political party. I mean, look at the last few thousand years of world history. There were some pretty evil and ungodly people in charge, during different periods of time, yet God’s plan of redemption and His will has ALWAYS been done regardless. He actually even used some of those wicked people as ‘the tool' to fulfil His plans: ) 

But by reading some of the stuff on social media you'd think that we’re in such BIG trouble right now and that if “the wrong person gets in office” it’s over!  It seems like trusting in God has all but vanished into the distance. It’s crazy.

So, there’s my political rant: ) Hopefully it didn't offend you because that definitely wasn't my intention. My intention was (and is) to get us all to do what God’s called us to do. Trust Him and reach people with the Gospel.

So, let’s use wisdom, let’s vote, let’s pray and let’s endeavour for unity (christian unity). It’s actually something that Jesus prayed for in John 17 too. Go look: ) He prayed that we would “be perfectly one even as He and The Father were one so that the world would know that He was sent by God and that we could bring Him glory.” 

We can have differing views (politically) and still do this because the banner we gather around is Christ crucified and the redemption we have through His blood- not the banner of our political party.

Love You Guys and God Bless America!


1 comment:

  1. Hello pastor Jim!!
    Here in Brazil, a few years ago, when Dilma was re-elected, a lot of "ministers" did the same thing not only to her, but to others too. I was pathetic. They even gave the mic to these people, so they could "preach" in their churches. Now we have the worst crisis and cases of corruption EVER. I was wondering where those "profets" are and what they have to declare.

    End of the times, for sure.
