Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Skipping Church

Matthew and Vicki this past Sunday

We've been in pastoral ministry for almost 2 decades now and church has always been (and still is) an important part of our family’s life. We’ve always placed a high priority on church. I believe that church is an important part of our spiritual growth and that our church family, and the community that it provides, is vital for that 
(spiritual growth) to happen. 

Plus by setting aside time at the very beginning of the week for corporate worship in a community of faith is another way of honouring God with ‘first things.’ 

Having something planned on a Sunday, other than church, has always been a no-no for the Dunns. We’re just not gonna do it. Over the years we’ve seen other people miss church for just about every excuse imaginable but not us. We’re not slackers like them: )

So, when Matthew asked me about racing on a Sunday, my immediate response was “no, it’s Sunday." But then, the more I thought about it, I changed my mind and here’s why:

My kids have been raised in church and have faithfully served in church (wilfully- not because they were forced to) their entire lives- literally. They even left everything behind, almost 5 years ago, to come with Mom and Dad to Brazil to follow God’s will for our family. And they did it without even the slightest bit of rebellion or push-back. 

So, as I weighed out the pros and cons of yes and no I came to the conclusion that missing one Sunday wasn't gonna hurt anybody. 
- It wasn't gonna hurt our church because I had a good friend that I could trust to preach for me (thanks Patrick). 
- It wasn't gonna be sending the wrong signal to my kids because they all know how we feel about church and we've proven it over the years.

Actually, I believe that for us to put ministry aside for one weekend spoke volumes to the kids about our priorities too. 

God first, then Family and Ministry comes after that.

I’ve seen a lot of PK’s and MK’s (Pastor's Kids and Missionary kids) grow-up and resent God, the church and their parents for some of the choices that their parents made. Because by always placing our ministries as a priority over our families we’re sending the wrong message to our children. 

Sure, we need to make sure that our kids know that following Jesus means that we make sacrifices that aren’t comfortable and it’s hard (most of the time). But when it comes to scheduling everything (i.e., church and church events) over our families… we really need to use wisdom and be willing to miss some things for the sake of our families. 

I definitely didn't learn this lesson early on either. I can’t tell you how many Easter Events, Fall Festivals and Christmas Eves, etc., that we missed ‘together' as a family because Mom and Dad were ‘’ministering' to everyone else. In retrospect I wish I would've done things differently. But, since I don’t have a time machine, I’m gonna focus on what’s ahead and, at the same time, tell those who are new to ministry to really make it a priority to prioritise rightly. 

So, back to this past Sunday. We all skipped church 'as a family' (that sounds so weird, haha) and went and cheered for Matthew as he participated in his first motocross event. 

There was a short ceremony (before the first race) for the owner of the track who just passed away here recently. 
Matthew, Vicki and Robert waiting for Matthew's first race

There's Matthew on the starting line (in the blue)

Matthew also had a bunch of people come out to support him too (besides family). It was great seeing friends from the mountain, Terra Boa, Jardim Paulista and from church coming to support our son.

Just some of the friends who came to support Matthew
 We were so proud of him too. For the most part, the people he was racing against were all older, more experienced had better bikes- but he definitely held his own and we had a great time together ‘as a family.’ And guess what?… the church didn't fall to the ground without us, the world didn't stop spinning and God’s not even mad at us! Ha!

Matthew, between races, talking to one of his friends

Matthew and Vicki waiting for the second race to begin

Matthew on the starting line of his first race

Matthew and one proud Dad: )

So, would we do it again? Yep, you can count on it:)

Still Trying to Figure This Thing Out,

PS- Here's a quick video of one of the starts

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes God calls you into a different MISSION field, in your case the racing community. You still represent God and you still are looking for the opportunities to meet that "one person" who God wants to save, who would never come into your church. GO WITH THE FLOW. What we think is God and what is not is often very different.
