Saturday, October 8, 2011

It Wipes Right Off!

We live in the clouds. Really we do. The altitude we live in is so high that the clouds will occasionally roll right through our front yard. For real. There’s some benefits to living this high though. I’ll just list a few:
- The temperature changes all the time which gives you different seasons all in the same day (winter, spring, summer, fall), literally
- The air is cleaner... no pollution
- The altitude is high so it’s harder to do everything. Everything feels like an aerobic workout. This means we’re gonna be in better shape... someday: )
- You can see for 50-100 miles most days
- At night you seem so close to the stars... it’s amazing
- There’s no city noise so everything is very peaceful
- Mold just shows up out of nowhere

Yep. That’s right. Mold. Now usually when I think of mold in someone’s house I think of people who aren’t very sanitary. You know the kind, right? And I don’t have anybody in mind so don’t think I’m talking about you. But if I am talking about you... go buy some Tilex and get busy because that’s just gross! lol! jk... back to my story. When you live where we live mold is just a part of life. Everything is damp all the time (something to do with the whole living in the clouds thing, I’m sure) and mold will literally just show-up. One minute it’s not there then, Bam! There’s mold on the wall of our kitchen (literally, there’s mold on the wall of our kitchen). This morning as I was sitting there minding my own business drinking a cup of coffee, MJ walked over and said, “there’s some mold... but look it just wipes right off.” Then she walked away as she said, “that’ll give you something to blog about.” As I sat there trying to take in what had just happened (it was just so bizarre) I thought, “yep. I’m definitely gonna write about that.” How often do you sit down in the morning, next to a perfectly clean wall, and then out of nowhere mold just magically appears on the wall. Then your wife walks over and just nonchalantly wipes it off and says, “look, mold... it wipes right off.”? What else are we gonna have to get use to here? But at least it literally just wiped right off: )
Today we had our first Portuguese Class. There’s a young couple from Terra Boa that told us that God wanted them to teach us Portuguese (they’re the couple in the picture by themselves), so we started classes today! It’s a very difficult language but we’re believing that God will enable us to pick it up quicker than usual as we diligently study... please pray. They’re using the Bible as our curriculum so that should make it easier. We were also able to visit with our good friends Victor and Monica and their girls (any of you who’ve been on a mission trip with us here know this awesome couple!). This couple is very important to us and the ministry here in Brazil.
Tomorrow is Sunday... the day we usually worship (in english) with people we know and love. Not that we don’t love the people here, but man... we sure do miss everyone back home. We think about you guys a lot and hope that you have a great day in your services tomorrow. Don’t miss the opportunity that you have of gathering together because you never know... you could be the next one God calls to the foreign mission field. Then you’ll be wishing you would have went: )

Busy Wiping Mold,

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