Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What Do I Do?

Today’s blog is gonna be a little different. The other day I was in the town of Quatro Barros, sitting in the back of a van by myself, it was raining really hard, and the windows were all fogged-up. MJ and her sister were inside of a government building picking up some papers that we needed so that we can get our container out at the Port of Parana. And, as I was sitting there, I felt like I needed to write something to you. I don’t have any crazy bug or snake stories to tell you (although I could). But I just felt like I needed to write something to you and it’s serious. As a matter of fact, I’ve really felt impressed to share this with you for a couple months now but the timing wasn’t right but now I feel like it is, so here it goes...

As our family has been in the process of moving to the mission field in Brazil, we’ve spoke at several churches, met a lot of people, and had the opportunity to share our story here on-line with, God only knows, how many people. And the reaction to what we’re doing is usually the same. People say they admire us for doing what we’re doing and they look at us like we’re some kind of “super christians” or something. But we don’t and never have felt like we were ever anything special. For real. We’ve always looked at everything we’ve done (from adopting 5 children almost 4 years ago to selling our stuff and moving to Brazil this year) as just being obedient to God. Nothing more-nothing less. But there’s a problem with that. The fact that we’ve done what we’ve done only seems radical (to a lot of people) because they’re comparing us to what most people that call themselves “Christ Followers” are doing. That’s why it seems like we’re out of the norm and in a different league. But if you compare us to anyone in the Bible (especially people in the book of Acts-which should be our prototype of how real christians look and act) then what we’re doing just seems like a normal response to a loving God. To us it just seems normal to want to give every part of our life to Him. We’re NOT special!

So what does this have to do with you? And why am I saying all of this to you? Because I want to challenge you to do what God has asked you to do. Now, are you suppose to adopt a bunch of kids, sell/give all your stuff away and move to the foreign mission field or even plant a church? Maybe, maybe not. Only you and God really know the answer to that question. But God HAS asked you to do something. In Matthew 7:21-23 it says this:

Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in Heaven.” On that day many will say to me Lord, Lord didn’t we prophecy in your name and cast out demons in your name and do many mighty works in your name? And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you, depart from me you workers of lawlessness.’

Wow. If you just read that and think about the implications... on that day “many” are gonna say, ‘but Lord... I did this, this and that in your name’ and they’re gonna be turned away from the presence of God forever! People who were busy doing stuff. There are going to be many people who are going to be shocked to hear those words... and it says there’s going to be many... not a couple or a few, but many. In the first part of that passage it says that the only people who will be entering into the Kingdom of Heaven are the ones who are doing the will of the Father, too. Go ahead and look in your own Bible... it’s there. I’m not making this up. Now, I can hear some people saying, “but that’s just one scripture... you can’t form a belief on just one scripture”... OK. Here’s a few more for you then:

  • Matthew 16:24-27
  • Mark 8:34-38
  • Luke 9:23-24
  • Luke 14:25-33

If you need more, shoot me an email and I’ll send you some: )

Here’s the deal... God’s never, in all of history, “not” asked one of His followers to do something (i.e. none of His people are called to just sit and do nothing and only live life). He’s always asked His people to be obedient and do “something.” And, as we grow in Him, the things He asks us to do will be more difficult and they’re usually things that can only be accomplished with His help.

But see, there’s this false Gospel that’s being preached today that says, just pray this prayer and confess this after me, or just raise your hand and sign this card then you’re all good. Just attend church and be morally upright and... no!

Being a true disciple is abandoning all for Him. Being a true disciple is seeing Jesus for all that He is and being willing to walk away from anything and everything if God asks you to. It’s not just “confessing” Him as Lord, it’s actually allowing Him to “be” Lord of your whole life. That’s what it really looks like to be a true Follower of Jesus. That’s why when we felt like God was asking us to adopt we said, “yes.” That’s why, when He asked us to abandon everything we knew and were comfortable with, that we said, “yes.” Because we want Him more than anything and we’re following Him. Period. We’re not special or better than anyone else, we’re just trying to obey what He’s asked us to do. We’re not “Super Christians” we’re just Christians... nothing special.

So what has He asked you to do? He’s asked all of us to do general things (like- forgiving others, loving others like we love ourselves, etc.) but I’m talking about, “what has He asked you to do that’s specific to only you?” You know... and don’t try to explain it away. You know. Don’t listen to the fear yelling at you... listen to the faith that was placed in you by God (Romans 12:3) and step out and do what He’s called you to do.

I know that today’s blog is totally different than most of our others, but I really feel like God is speaking (no He’s calling out!) to someone through this today. You just need to obey... it’s gonna be OK: )

I’m gonna stop right there for now. If I’m talking to you and you know that I am... come back tomorrow and I’m gonna give you a couple of easy steps to get moving forward into what God has called you to do. So, if I’m speaking to you, read over the scriptures I shared at the top, ask God to forgive you for not doing what He’s called you to do, repent, get it under the blood and we’ll talk tomorrow in Part 2 of What Do I Do?

If I’m not speaking directly to you today, come back in a few days and we’ll be posting more updates from Brazil. We love you guys and thanks for reading.

Passionately Following Jesus,


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