Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Lice and the One Legged Man

I remember when I got the call to ministry back in the Spring of 82’. It came during an altar call at a church in Tucker, Georgia where a Missionary from Jamaica prophesied (yes, prophesied... sorry to all my Baptist friends... haha!) over me that “God was calling me to preach!” I remember the feeling I had that morning too. To think that the God of Heaven would want a little punk like me was the most amazing feeling in the world. And “inside” I knew it was true. It was what God wanted me to do and I was totally down with it. But the ministry I had in mind was totally different than where I’m at today. But, looking back, if God would have told me where I was going to end up I probably would have messed it up or run the other way. That’s why I think God rarely shows us what our distant future looks like...”He just shows us each next step.”
Sometimes ministry definitely doesn’t work out like you think it will either. It isn’t always pretty and nice-and-tidy the way we envision it. It’s not just prayer and Bible study, for sure. For example a week or so ago, I was ministering to a lady here in the community who was very distraught. I prayed with her and gave her a big huge hug (because of how upset she was). After I hugged her and started to step back I noticed a massive lice infestation in her hair! The same hair that just 5 seconds earlier was resting on my shoulder, as she was crying! As I saw it, in my mind I said, “Oh my goodness... really? Lice? You’ve got to be kidding me!” For real? (I guess that’s just one more insect that I can add to my “bug encounters list” here in Brazil.) Here I was just trying to minister the love of Jesus to this lady and now there’s a good chance I’ve got lice, awesome! Thanks Holy Spirit for giving me the heads-up. Appreciate it.
It reminded me of something that happened back in 2001’. I was driving down the road near the hospital in Walton County Georgia. I was in my brand new Ford F-150 XLT extended cab truck that I just purchased. It still had the new car smell, I wouldn’t let anybody eat or drink in it, I detailed it 2x per week... you know how it is with a new vehicle, right? Well, here I was in my new truck driving down the road. It was about 95 degrees outside and very humid. I could see someone up ahead of me on the side of the road on crutches. Then as I got closer I noticed he only had 1 leg. As I passed him I could tell that he was really struggling. Then I thought, “man, it’s too hot out there to be walking on the side of the road with 1 leg on crutches” so I turned around to see if he wanted a ride. I stopped next to him and rolled my window down to ask him if I could take him somewhere. Then he looked up at me, from under his hat, and when he did it took me by surprise and kinda freaked me out. He had some type of disease that had eaten his nose and ears off! And when I took a closer look at his skin it was all “melted looking.” It was very sad. So, I asked him if he wanted a ride and he slowly said, “yes” and climbed up in my truck. I tried having some small talk with him (because I’m so good at small talk, haha! Yeah, right.) but it was difficult speaking to him. When we got to the place where he wanted to go I pulled over and then it happened... this guy started throwing-up all over the passenger door/floor/ window of my brand new truck! It was sooooo unexpected! I just sat there in amazement and then I said to him, “oh, it’s OK... don’t worry about it.” But in my mind I was thinking, “get out please so I can get to the closest car wash!” I was totally dumbfounded. Here I was trying to be a “Good Samaritan” and look what happens. I get puked on... awesome! Thank you, God.
But when I think about both of these situations... if God would have told me beforehand that the lady had lice, I probably wouldn’t had comforted her with a hug. And if God would have told me ahead of time that the guy was going to blow chunks all in my new truck, I probably wouldn’t have picked him up. And here’s the bottom line- she needed a hug and that guy needed a ride! But I’m so selfish that if God would have given me the heads-up I may not have done the right thing. So until (if it ever happens) I mature enough to where God can show me the ending it’s fine with me that He only shows me my next step. Because I’m still amazed that He even called someone like me anyway. He’s so merciful: )

Love Ya,

PS - I’m happy to report that I do NOT have lice and I took my truck to the car wash (back in 2000’) and used the little carpet cleaner machine thingy and it was fine: ) Also, the picture at the top is us with Necca. For those of you who came on the mission trip back in April you'll remember her as the sweet lady who cooked for us. btw- we're not giants... she's just short! lol!

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